Amyloid Beta 1-42 Oligomers (cat#SPR-488) and Pre-formed Fibrils (cat#SPR-487)
show a dose-dependent toxicity to primary rat cortical neurons. Monomers are not toxic (cat#SPR-485).
Oligomers | Pre-formed Fibrils (PFF) | Monomers
Amyloid Beta
for Neurodegenerative Disease Research
Induce Amyloid Beta Toxicity with StressMarq’s Oligomers and Pre-formed Fibrils
Fibrils and respective vehicle controls
were initially sonicated in a Bioruptor.
Test conditions were run in the same
plate as untreated control and vehicle
controls, which consisted of buffer
without amyloid beta 1-42 protein.
Data expressed as mean +/- s.e.m.
(n=6). A global analysis of the data was
performed using a one-way ANOVA
followed by Dunnett’s test; ** p<0.01
stats vs control; ## p<0.01, ####
p<0.0001 stats vs vehicle control.
§ represents untreated control condition.
Oligomers Pre-formed
Fibrils Monomers
Catalog# Product Name Available Sizes*
SPR-488 Amyloid Beta 1-42 Oligomers 100ug | 200ug | 500ug
SPR-487 Amyloid Beta 1-42 Pre-formed Fibrils 100ug | 200ug | 500ug
SPR-485 Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42 (HFIP treated) 100ug | 500ug | 1mg